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Edustream Sdn Bhd
11, Jalan Perniagaan Setia 9,
Taman Perniagaan Setia,
81100 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
+607-562 7331
+607-562 7335
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SKU: 9555535005576
![]() | SET A | RM 18.90 | Add to Cart | |
![]() | SET B | RM 3.50 | Add to Cart | |
![]() | SET C | RM 19.90 | Add to Cart |
1)The heater component of the product is made of Positive Temperature Coeffieient electric resistance (PTC).
It's heating very fast and automatic of control temperature . The temperature of the product coutdn't risc when it heating to the design temperature of the glue gun . Because of this , it can prevent the glue gun to damage from leading the heat of the heater component and save so much , attaining the purpose that grows the service.
2)The electricity strength was not to broke through of the product insatate while switch on electricity 3750 V minute . The hot melt glue gun can use normally from 100 V to 240 V power supply ,be free from the electric voltage motion to limit , inside place the safe fuse, use more safe.
1.The toy model.
2.Artificial flowers, Christmas tree.
3.Decorations, the metals product.
4.The wood product, card paper ete. Operatio is show
1.This series product can use the diameter from 7.00mm to 7.5mm of melt glue.
2.Insert the gum from the glue gun tail , sent to the gum tube , put on the power supply to preheating from 5 to 8 minutes , button up to move the trigger and can extrude the melt glue , and can control the melt glue quantity.
3.While it's working , if the melt glue is inexhaustibility in one time, then the melt glue need not take out . Put on the power supply to prcheating 5 to 8 minutes when it use next time.
1.The hot melt glue gun is a high temperature product , should according to the product line to choose the melt glue that it use to correspond the specification . If the customer used the size of the melt glue that types not agree with , it would cause that melt glue retlux and damaged the glue guns.
2.Do not touch the nozzle area or melted glue , for they are high temperature when they working. Forbid to use in the situation that easy fuel and explode easily.
3.If the glue gun does not work continuously for 15 minutes, please cut off the power supply, in order to prevent the melted glue to pour from the glue gun to damage it as all.
4. When the glue gun working , do not raise it and the nozzle can''t upward.In order to prevent the melts glue to pour from the glue gun to damaged it as all.
5. Should usually keep the slippery piece of the glue gun tail sweep , for the melt glue can send into the gun tube smoothly.
6. Forbid to poll out the melt glue from the glue gun tail parts.
7.The glue gun should keep dry in the airiness of place , of the reach of children and water or wet place.
8. This tool at not use must place at it of support up.
9. This tool place at it of support up to cool off after usage then kept.